Sleeth companies in Indiana


Number: 1031317 | Type: Foreign For-Profit Corporation

Company is located at 48 W 605 HINCKLEY RD, BIG ROCK, IL, 60511, USA
SLEETH ELECTRIC INC status is Active
It was incorporated on 2014-11-14
SLEETH ELECTRIC INC business type is Foreign For-Profit Corporation.
Company is nine years, five months and twenty-nine days on the market.


Number: 655685 | Type: Domestic Limited Liability Company

Company is located at CARE OF: HENRY E. SLEETH, III, 8826 ROCKY HILL ROAD, INDIANAPOLIS, IN, 46217 - 4648, USA
SLEETH FARM, LLC status is Voluntarily Dissolved
It was incorporated on 2005-12-14
SLEETH FARM, LLC business type is Domestic Limited Liability Company.
Company is eighteen years, five months and one day on the market.