Rapture, companies in Indiana


Number: 295995 | Type: Domestic For-Profit Corporation

Company is located at 1744 Mattke Rd., WOODRUFF, WI, 54568 - 9893, USA
RAPTURE, INC. status is Admin Dissolved
It was incorporated on 1994-05-13
RAPTURE, INC. business type is Domestic For-Profit Corporation.
Company is thirty years, fourteen days on the market.


Number: 578834 | Type: Domestic Limited Liability Company

Company is located at ONE STAR FINANCIAL BANK BLDG., 127 W. BERRY ST., FORT WAYNE, IN, 46802 - 2315, USA
RAPTURE, L.L.C. status is Admin Dissolved
It was incorporated on 2002-12-05
RAPTURE, L.L.C. business type is Domestic Limited Liability Company.
Company is twenty-one years, five months and sixteen days on the market.