Psychealth, companies in Indiana


Number: 498237 | Type: Foreign For-Profit Corporation

Company is located at 1121 FLORENCE AVE., 2ND FLOOR, EVANSTON, IL, 60202, USA
PSYCHEALTH, LTD. status is Revoked
It was incorporated on 2003-01-09
PSYCHEALTH, LTD. business type is Foreign For-Profit Corporation.
Company is twenty-one years, four months and twelve days on the market.


Number: 575392 | Type: Domestic For-Profit Corporation

Company is located at 336 N MAIN ST, SOUTH BEND, IN, 46601, USA
PSYCHEALTH, LTD. status is Voluntarily Dissolved
It was incorporated on 2002-12-04
PSYCHEALTH, LTD. business type is Domestic For-Profit Corporation.
Company is twenty-one years, five months and seventeen days on the market.