Patra companies in Indiana


Number: 916774 | Type: Foreign For-Profit Corporation

Company is located at 27 COMMERCIAL BLVD, STE P, NOVATO, CA, 94949, USA
PATRA CORPORATION status is Active
It was incorporated on 2013-01-11
PATRA CORPORATION business type is Foreign For-Profit Corporation.
Company is eleven years, four months and one day on the market.


Number: 627033 | Type: Domestic For-Profit Corporation

Company is located at 8840 EL RICO DR, INDIANAPOLIS, IN, 46240, USA
PATRAN ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED status is Voluntarily Dissolved
It was incorporated on 2006-03-16
PATRAN ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED business type is Domestic For-Profit Corporation.
Company is eighteen years, two months and one day on the market.