Cinzah companies in Indiana


Number: 824220 | Type: Domestic For-Profit Corporation

Company is located at 4239 W DICKMAN ROAD, APT 2D, SPRINGFIELD, MI, 49037, USA
CINZAH CORPORATION status is Admin Dissolved
It was incorporated on 2011-05-07
CINZAH CORPORATION business type is Domestic For-Profit Corporation.
Company is thirteen years, fifteen days on the market.


Number: 632442 | Type: Domestic For-Profit Corporation

Company is located at 7588 ELLA DOBBS LN, APT 88, INDIANAPOLIS, IN, 46227, USA
CINZAH INCORPORATED status is Admin Dissolved
It was incorporated on 2006-03-10
CINZAH INCORPORATED business type is Domestic For-Profit Corporation.
Company is eighteen years, two months and twelve days on the market.