Cellcall, companies in Indiana


Number: 260125 | Type: Foreign For-Profit Corporation

Company is located at 10700 Park Ridge Blvd., Ste. 600, RESTON, VA, 20191, USA
CELLCALL, INC. status is Merged
It was incorporated on 1994-12-13
CELLCALL, INC. business type is Foreign For-Profit Corporation.
Company is twenty-nine years, five months and five days on the market.


Number: 370426 | Type: Foreign For-Profit Corporation

Company is located at 1720 Fortune Ct., #106, LEXINGTON, KY, 40509 - 0000, USA
CELLCALL, INC. status is Withdrawn
It was incorporated on 1993-06-14
CELLCALL, INC. business type is Foreign For-Profit Corporation.
Company is thirty years, eleven months and one day on the market.