Bocon companies in Indiana


Number: 111290 | Type: Foreign For-Profit Corporation

Company is located at P O BOX 2100, HOUSTON, TX, 77001, USA
BOCON CORPORATION status is Revoked
It was incorporated on 1954-08-24
BOCON CORPORATION business type is Foreign For-Profit Corporation.
Company is sixty-nine years, nine months and three days on the market.


Number: 485432 | Type: Domestic For-Profit Corporation

Company is located at 617 PINETREE DR., FORT WAYNE, IN, 46819 - 2355, USA
BOCON, INC. status is Admin Dissolved
It was incorporated on 1999-03-18
BOCON, INC. business type is Domestic For-Profit Corporation.
Company is twenty-five years, two months and three days on the market.